Tinius Olsen
Automated System Cell

The key to the entire automated robotic testing system is that it can run without operator involvement. While this by itself has numerous advantages, it presents a possibility of a hazard to unfamiliar bystanders if the robot moves. To prevent any damage to operators and onlookers the entire testing system can be surrounded by polycarbonate safety shielding, with interlocked access doors and specimen loading doors to prevent any unauthorised access.
Automated Systems are built to accommodate your testing system be it housing a single machine or multiple machines, tensile, compression, flexural, impact, hardness, melt flow. The cell is impact resistant and transparent; it is interlocked with user and service password modes of entry.
The cell housing the automation system is configured with four specific objectives and capabilities;
● FOOTPRINT Optimize the footprint and envelope of the automation cell in support of productivity.
● SAFETY Transparent impact resistant panels give the user a clear a view of the system while providing protection from moving parts. Optional user recognition
for interlocked cell access for users and/or service personnel.
● ACCESS Light curtains in the cell panels allow people to operate safely while near the robotics.
● FLEXIBILITY The system is an investment in performance for many years, therefore the cell design and construction supports future repositioning if required.
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