Tinius Olsen

Lateral Extensometer

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This is used to determine the lateral extension of 150mm diameter x 300mm high cement concrete cylinders while running a compression test.


The extensometer consists of two movable frames pivoted at one end. A dial gage measures the lateral extension, and a removable spacer strip is for the initial setting of the dial gage.


The extensometer is attached to the specimen by screws. Supplied complete with TO-072 dial gage or TO-072DG digital gage.

Applicable Standards


Ordering Information

  • TO-373 Lateral extensometer to fit 150 x 300mm cylinders with dial gage
  • TO-373-DG Lateral extensometer to fit 150 x 300mm cylinders with digital gage

    Optional Accessories

  • TO-072 Analog dial gage, 5 x 0.002mm
  • TO-072-DG Digital gage, 5 x 0.001mm
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