Tinius Olsen

Model HDVT3

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HDT - Heat Deflection (or, distortion) Temperature DTUL - Deflection Temperature Under Load Vicat Softening Temperature


A specimen is placed in a frame. The frame consists of a base, which has two anvils on which the specimen is positioned. A rod is lowered on to the specimen. A mass is applied to the rod in order to apply a specified load (bending stress) to the specimen. The entire frame is submerged in a bath containing a heat transfer medium. The temperature of the heat transfer medium is raised by a specified rate (usually 2°C/minute) until the specimen deflects (bends) a specified amount.
  Heat distortion Standards : ASTM D648, ISO 75


The temperature at which a specimen is penetrated a depth of 1.0 mm by a needle of defined area (1mm2) under a concentrated center load condition.
  Vicat softening Standards : ASTM D1525, ISO 306

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Features & Benefits

  • Conforms to ISO 75, ISO 306, ASTM D648, and ASTM D1525.
  • Fully automatic control of entire test cycle.
  • Bath has port with an exhaust fan to remove interior oil fumes.
  • Air bearing-guided loading rods for virtually friction-free load application.
  • Electronic transducers integrated into the loading rod assemblies for 0.001mm (0.0001in) resolution of deflection or penetration.
  • Loading nose and rod assemblies provide 76 gms nominal load for ISO 75 ‘flatwise’ deflection temperature tests on 4 x 10mm specimens at 0.45Mpa stress.
  • Pneumatic station lift for easy specimen insertion and removal.
  • Automatic correction for thermal expansion of test frames.
  • Built-in specimen basket to catch any dislodged specimens.
  • Accessories available include additional test stations, deflection temperature loading noses, Vicat loading noses and needles, weights, 64mm span supports for ‘flatwise’ deflection temperature testing (stations are predrilled to accept the supports).
  • User Interface

    This unit features a color touch-screen LCD display. Operators can configure the options available for the machine and program user settings (language, units, alarms, etc). Individual test protocols can be set and stored for rapid recall when needed. and can be used to control the machine by itself or in conjunction with Tinius Olsen’s Horizon software.

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